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- Miscellaneous
- 2017
- October
- Monday, Oct. 23
Monday, Oct. 23

UMMC staff receive service anniversaries
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of Oct. 23-29.
25 Years
Valerie Bacon, patient services coordinator, University Physicians (Internal Medicine, Lakeland Hypertension)
Velzetric Hall, hospital financial productivity manager, Budget
Haiyan Zhang, Research Core Lab manager, School of Medicine (Physiology and Biophysics)
20 Years
Cynthia Boyd, nurse, Holmes County Hospital (Inpatient Nursing)
15 Years
Charela Bell, health care benefits coordinator, Internal Access (Financial Counseling)
Tommie Turner, fee remote-coder, University Physicians (Charge Entry)
10 Years
Treaise Williams, patient services coordinator, School of Nursing
5 Years
Dr. Harris R. Baig, assistant professor of anesthesiology, School of Medicine
Kimberly Evans, patient representative, University Physicians (Pavilion Suite B Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular)
Kimberly Gary, patient financial services representative, Internal Access (Pre Arrival)
Ceola Greenwood, researcher, School of Medicine (The MIND Center)
LaShandra Harris, medical technologist, Blood Bank
Ronald Hopson, critical care paramedic, Helicopter Transport
Jasmine Moore, inpatient nurse, University Hospital (5 North)
Wesley Perrett, medical technologist, HLA Clinical Lab
Miranda Rosar, inpatient nurse, University Hospital (Emergency Department)
Richard Spencer Jr., nurse, Holmes County Hospital (Inpatient Nursing)